WTC Firefighter Claims
Compensation Claims For World Trade Center Firefighters
The brave men and women of the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) suffered tragic losses on 9/11 with 343 firefighters losing their lives while responding to the attacks on September 11, 2001. Since then, over 300 FDNY firefighters have died as a result of 9/11-related cancer or respiratory illness, as reported by the FDNY Uniformed Firefighters Association (UFA).
Health Conditions Common for an FDNY Firefighter Due to Recovery Efforts
The collapse of the Twin Towers created a massive cloud of toxic dust and debris that lingered in the air for months after the attacks. Fires also continued to burn for weeks after 9/11, exposing firefighters to carcinogenic smoke. The FDNY firefighters who worked at the WTC site and along other cleanup routes are now facing a variety of health conditions that have been linked to the rescue and recovery efforts. The most common of these health conditions include lung diseases such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and upper respiratory diseases such as chronic rhinosinusitis and vocal cord disease. Various types of cancer are also common, with many 9/11 FDNY firefighters having been diagnosed with more than one type of cancer. Research has found thyroid, colon, prostate, and blood cancers all to be more common among FDNY members who served at Ground Zero than those who did not. Digestive issues and mental health-related conditions such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety are also among the most commonly reported 9/11 illnesses among FDNY firefighters.

Mutual Aid
Fire departments from all our the country responded to help with 9/11 efforts, including:
- Arundel Volunteer Fire Department (Maryland)
- Aviation Volunteer Hose Co. #3 (Bronx)
- Broad Channel Volunteer Fire Department (Queens)
- Edgewater Park Volunteer Hose Company (NYC volunteer fire department)
- Hauppauge Fire Department (Long Island)
- Indiana Rescue Task Force - deployed the Indiana Task Force
- Islip Volunteer Fire Department (Long Island)
- Jersey City Fire Department (New Jersey)
- Newark Fire Department Newark Firefighters (New Jersey)
- New York Fire Patrol (FPNY) (NYC)
- Oceanic Hook and Ladder Company #1 (volunteer fire department, NYC)
- Richmond Engine Company #1 (volunteer fire department, NYC)
- West Hamilton Beach Fire Department (volunteer fire department, NYC)
Support Available for FDNY and Other Members
Fortunately, support is available for active and retired FDNY as well as members of other departments. The federal government has developed two programs to provide support to survivors and responders, including FDNY members, who have suffered health conditions due to their 9/11 exposure. These programs – originally created as part of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act which passed in 2010 – are the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) and the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP).
Victim Compensation Fund
The VCF provides financial compensation to those who have suffered physical harm – including 9/11-related illnesses – or death as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The VCF is funded by the federal government, and any fire department member who was present during the 9/11 rescue and recovery efforts and has suffered physical harm may be eligible for compensation. To be eligible you must show that you were present at one of the attack sites, within the “New York City Exposure Zone,” or along the routes of debris removal at some point during the period beginning on September 11, 2001, through May 30, 2002.
World Trade Center Health Program
The WTCHP is a federal program that provides medical monitoring and treatment to FDNY members and others who have suffered physical harm due to the 9/11 rescue and recovery efforts. Any active or retired fire department member who was present during the rescue and recovery efforts at Ground Zero, the Staten Island Landfill, or the NYC Chief Medical Examiner’s Office for at least 4 hours between September 11, 2001, and July 31, 2002, are eligible to enroll in the program. The health program certifies participants for their conditions and provides treatment and monitoring for WTC-related illnesses at no cost to the member.
World Trade Center Health Registry
The WTC Health Registry was created in 2002 by the New York City Department of Health in order to monitor the health of 9/11 survivors and responders. The registry tracks changes in the physical and mental health of those that enrolled. While the registry does not provide medical treatment or testing, it periodically publishes survey findings in medical journals, providing valuable information on the health effects of 9/11 exposure.

What Our 9/11 Attorneys Can Do For You
At Hansen & Rosasco, our experienced 9/11 attorneys are dedicated to helping fire department members and their families get the compensation they deserve for the health conditions they have suffered due to their 9/11 service. Our attorneys are experienced in handling all types of 9/11 compensation claims and can help you navigate the process from start to finish. We have helped many fire department members successfully file claims for compensation, and we are here to help you as well. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you get the support you deserve.
“I would like to say thank you for the superior customer service that I received from the minute I sat down for my consultation regarding my 911 Victim Compensation Fund case I initially met with the Mr. Hansen who is awesome. I was also lucky to met Mr. Rosasco. They treated me like family and placed me in the good hands of Ms. Sidrah Syed,Esq. Ms. Syed is extremely dedicated , knowledgeable and kept me updated through each step of the process. I am extremely please on how my case handled and very lucky to have her working on my behalf. God Bless you and your law firm for all that you have done for 911 Survivors.” -Jeff F.